Electric Arc Furnace (EAF)
An Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) is a firebrick-lined U-shaped steel making vessel installed with a retractable roof. Graphite electrodes enter the furnace through the roof to melt the materials. The furnace is typically lined with resin-bonded magnesia-carbon products. This permits the EAF operator to run with slags that are neutral to very basic in composition.
Electric arc steelmaking uses magnesia-chrome compositions in part or total to handle their specific needs. Typical design requires different materials for the bottom, lower sidewall, and upper sidewall cold and hot spots.
Electric Arc Furnace Process
The EAF is refractory lined and filled with scrap and/or other manufactured iron units. The scrap is melted with high-powered electric arcs from the node/nodes creating molten metal. High-quality refractory brick is required to withstand the high temperatures reducing heat loss to create liquid steel.
Modern EAF vessels have oxygen burners on the side to prevent cold spots in the melting scrap metal process. Once the melt is complete it is transferred into a ladle to start the next process.
Refractories for EAF Vessel
Your Resco Products EAF steel representative will be able to access which brick will be necessary and the correct installation methods. Common Resco products utilized as EAF refractory consist of Nuline 10-99 and Nuline 15 DFP. These are mag-carbon brick utilized for their resistance to slag attack and high temperatures generated from generated arc energy. |
To view, a complete breakdown of recommended refractory products for an electric arc furnace by zone views our EAF Article. Resco products are also designed for optimal refractory wear, electric arc furnace maintenance, and extending the life of your vessel.
There are three main types of subhearths when constructing an electric arc furnace.
EAF Deltas
The center of an EAF roof is called the delta. The delta faces three types of conditions: thermal, chemical, and mechanical. Your Resco Products refractory representative can evaluate your processes and the conditions to determine the best refractory pre-cast products to deal with the combination of these factors to provide the best life at the best cost/ton.
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